Williston Moose Lodge 239
Pilgrim Degree
The Pilgrim Degree of Merit is the highest degree for men of the Moose.
Only lodge members who have served their lodge, advanced to the Moose Legion, and volunteered further are considered for this degree. Generally, it is attained only by devoted members who have given many years of service to and for our program. They have volunteered to cook, clean, serve as an officer, mentored others, and been fraternal leaders along the way.
Moose Legion Committee
Motto: To do some good thing for someone each day.
The Moose Legion if the first degree of service for the men of the Lodge. Known as the "Degree of Service". Every Lodge has a Moose Legion Committee. The Moose Legion is designed to make sure the needs of the Lodge is meet. If something needs to be fixed or replaced the Lodge calls on the Moose Legion committee to handle the need. Besides helping the Lodge, the Moose Legion has also created a Summer Camp for the Kids at Mooseheart, along with many other projects that the Moose International asks us to help with.
Each Committee is part of a Jurisdiction, we are part of NoDak #42 which includes all Moose Legion Committee's in North Dakota.
Our Moose Legion Committee meets usually the 2nd Thursday of each month. All members of the lodge are welcome to our meetings
If you have question or want to know more, you can join us at our meetings or Email us at 239mlcommittee@gmail.com
Fellowship Degree
The Fellowship Degree of Honor is for the Moose Legion members that have shown the spirit and drive to help the Lodge, and the Moose as a whole.
A Fellow is someone that has been a leader and often an all-important mentor to new members, helping to guide them along a fraternal leadership path towards enhancing our existing programs.